Escape From Tarkov Map Keys Guide (2025)

by The Velvet Gentleman

I’m using the term “loose loot” to designate random items (mags, food, first aid, low grade ammo, etc).Room numbers with a plus number in parentheses are connected by balconies.If a spawn point hasn’t been specified, assume that it is a random drop from scavs or filing cabinets; almost all keys can be found this way but some have predictablespawns.

Military Base

King (Radio Station):

  • RB-KORL Key– Opens door on second floor of the radio station on reserve. Contains two filing cabinets, and chance to spawn folder with intelligence on desk.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-KPRL Key– Opens locked guard house near radio station on reserve. Containsweapon safe,safe,weapon locker,weapon box, loose loot.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-RS Key– Opens room on second floor of radio station on reserve. Contains toolboxes x2.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Queen (Air Control Center):

  • RB-OP Key– Opens door in the basement of Queen building (airspace control center). Contains one filing cabinet and chance of folder with intelligence on desk. Key can be found on nightstand in back of generic on interchange and in pockets/bags of scavs.
  • RB-GN Key– Opens room in basement of the Airspace Control Center on Reserve. Contains toolboxes x2.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-RH Key– Opens room on 3rd floor of Queen building on reserve. Containsweapon rack, loose loot,weapon boxand filing cabinet x2. Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Bishop (ACC HQ):

  • RB-SMP Key– Opens room on second floor of the bishop building. Contains loose loot (medical supplies).Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-KSM Key– Opens room on second floor of the bishop building. Contains loose loot (medical supplies), duffle bag.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Knight (Maintenance Center):

  • RB-PP Key– Opens door on ground floor of the service building/repair center (knight). Contains loose loot, tools, locker. Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-ST Key– Opens room on northern end of repair depot building in “knight section”. Containsweapon boxes, grenade boxes, loose loot, tank and car batteries.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Black Knight

  • RB-MP21 Key – Opens room n the second floor of black knight building, containsweapon rack, filing cabinet x2, loose loot, toolbox,weapon box, folder with intelligence (on desk), 6-STEN-140-M military battery. Can spawn in bathroom inside the PowerStation on interchange, pockets and bags of Scavs.

White Knight

  • RB-MP22 Key– Opens room in the second floor of white knight building, containsweapon rackx2, wooden ammo box, toolbox, loose loot, and 6-STEN-140-M military battery. Founds in pockets and bags of Scavs.
  • RB-MP13 Key– Opens room on first floor of white knight building. Contains loose loot, filing cabinet, possible folder with intelligence and6-STEN-140-M military battery.Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Pawn (Barracks):

Black Pawn

  • RB-BK Key –Opens to door on north end of Black Pawn Barracks in the basement. Inside contains multipleweapon spawns, somerare spawns. Spawns in pockets/bags of Scavs and can be found in Shturman’s stash. (25 uses)
  • RB-OB Key–Opens room on southern end of the black pawn barracks on the 3rd floor. Contains one filing cabinet, possible folder with intelligence on desk. Spawns in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-TB Key– Opens room on north end of black barracks in the basement. Contains 3weapon racks, loose loot.Spawns on the rook (train station) building’s lower roof, on left side of sleeping bag next to some sand bags. Can also spawn in pockets/backpacks of Scavs.
  • RB-ORB3 Key– Opens door on south end of black pawn building on 2nd floor. Contains weapon rack x3, loose loot, and filing cabinets x2. Found in passenger seat of UN Humvee on Customs (closest to bridge) and inpockets/bags of Scavs.

Apartments (southern barracks building)

  • RB-AK Key– Opens southern apartment building door on the east side. Contains 2 PCs, loose tech loot, sport bag, and several ammo spawns. Key can be found on the filing cabinet in the unlocked guard shack near the weather station on Reserve and in pockets/backpacks of Scavs. You can also trade for key with Therapist level 3 for Superwater x6 and H2O filters x5.
  • RB-AM Key– Opens room on east end of apartment building (southern building in pawn area) 1st floor. Contains toolboxes x3, loose loot, wooden crate, jacket. Key can be found in pockets and bags of scavs.

White Pawn

  • RB-ORB1 Key– Opens door on west end of white pawn building on 3rd floor. Containsweapon rackx3, loose loot and filing cabinets x2. Can spawn on a nightstand in one of the corners of Adik on Interchange. Found in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-ORB2 Key– Opens door on west end of white pawn buildings on 2nd floor. Contains loose loot, filing cabinet,weapon box. Can be found at Woods RUAF Roadblock on table next to tank and in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Guard Barracks:

  • RB-VO Key– Opens marked room in guard barracks. Containsrare spawns. Spawns in pockets/bags of Scavs. (25 uses)
  • RB-AO Key– Opens room in guard barracks. Containsweapon rackand miscellaneous weapon mods. Can be found in the north bunker on Shoreline. Key spawns on one of the beds in the bunker. Can also be found in pockets/bags of Scavs.

Storage Rooms (Hermetic Bunker):

  • RB-PSP1 Key– Opens one of the caged off storage areas in the underground storage bunkers (beneath hermetic bunker). Contains ration supply crates x6, toolbox, loose loot.Founds in pockets and bags of Scavs.
  • RB-PSP2 Key– Opens one of the caged off storage areas in the underground storage bunkers (beneath hermetic bunker). Contains ration supply crates x4.Founds in pockets and bags of Scavs.
  • RB-PS81 Key– Opens one of the caged off storage areas in the underground storage bunkers (beneath hermetic bunker). Contains medical supply crates x2, ration supply crate, technical supply crate. Can be found in basement of Bishop buildings on a chair and in pockets/bags of Scavs.
  • RB-PS82 Key– Opens one of the caged off storage areas in the underground storage bunkers (beneath hermetic bunker). Contains ration supply crates x4.Founds in pockets and bags of Scavs.

Tera Group Labs

  • Lab Yellow Keyvard –Opens door to the parking garage alarm system control panel on second floor of labs. There is aweapon safe, PC, filing cabinet and loose weapon mods on table. Keycard can be found in room R22 (cafeteria) on the center window table, also found in O21 on the conference table in front of the managers office, and can be found in O11 on one of the work tables.
  • LkASR Key(Lab Key Arsenal Storage Room)–Opensroom R23. Lots ofrare spawns,attachments, and other high end loot.Spawns in room 215 of the three story dorms (inside nightstand), also can spawn on the counter behind the cash register in the new gas station.
  • Lab. Red Keycard–Opens labs security arsenal. There are multiple weapon spawns,rare spawns, folder with intelligence. Can spawn in west wing of the resort in the basement gym in a locker along the wall, may spawn in East wing room 221 on the table with the laptop, West wring room 218 on top of the water barrel.
  • Lab. Black Keycard –Opens laboratory experiment’s area (G12) on first level of labs. Spawns onemedical crateand loose medical items. Can be found in the laboratory block (G22) sitting next to the computer workstation [need Green Keycard for entry], also in room O22 on the desk with the computer across from the toxic waste spill covered by large orange dome, and may be found in room O11 on the large table of scientific supplies.
  • Lab. Green Keycard –Unlocks laboratory block G22 on the second level. there is amedical crate, loose medical loot, and in side roomweapon box, loose weapons mods and ammo. Can spawn on the shelf to the right in the hallway that leads to the security arsenal (R23), can spawn next to the keyboard at the reception desk of the managers office (O21) on the second level, also has a chance to spawn on desk next to the quarantine zone room (G11).
  • LkMO Key (Lab Key Manager Office)–OpensRoom O21 (the main doors of the main work area). There areweapon boxes, agun safe, and possibly 3rare spawns. Spawns inO13.On adesk leftof the entrance, can spawn in room O22 (conference room) to the right side of the powered laptop, Can spawn in parking garage Y11 sitting on the passenger side seat of the SUV that has weapon box in the trunk.
  • Lab. Violet Keycard–Opensroom R23. Spawnsrare spawns,weapon boxes,weapon crate. Can spawn in trunk of the black SUV that is parked in front of the blue warehouse in the lumber mill, may spawn in guard house on the table, also can spawn inside the driver side door of the SUV at the checkpoint on woods.
  • Lab. Blue Keycard –Opens the Laboratory quarantine zone (G11) on the first level of labs. Spawnsmedical crateand loose medical loot. Key can be found inside the passenger door of the ambulance in front of resort on shoreline, may also be found in West wing office 104 on the desk, and on the low shelf next to the TV in west wing office 112.
  • LkTA (Lab Key Testing Area weapon)–Opens:a Black Walk in Container / Lab / Gun Range located in the main work area. There is alarge weapon box, asmallweapon box, and possible highly moddedweapon spawnon the rack or table. Spawns on the first level of labs in room R15 (Gym) on a stool, On second level in room B21 (room above server room) on kitchen counter, On the bottom of a shelf left of the entrance to room R23.


  • Factory Key–This should never leave your gamma and opens two additional extracts and allows you to open the locked room in third floor offices. Possibleweapon spawnin locked room, two coats, loose loot and occasional high end ammo. This keyspawns in the office of 3-Storey in Customs,the glass warehouse in Customs (in the blue locker), or very rarely behind the old gas station (under the tree near the medbag). All spawns markedherein bright blue.
  • Key (pumping station)–Opens the “closed bunker” near machinery in the exit area but only the door nearest extract. There is rarely anything worth picking up in here but it can be a good ambush position. This key spawns in the locker room on the bench against the wall close to the entrance.
  • Key (admin)–Opens the “closed bunker” near machinery in the exit area.There is rarely anything worth picking up in here but it can be a good ambush position. This is a random drop now.


  • ZB-014–Opens the locked room inside the bunker nearest to the exit. There is anweaponlocker, aweapons crate, and loose loot. Also a quest location. This key spawns in Room 220 in Customs.
  • Yotota–Opens a pickup truck in lumber yard next to the three huts. Loose loot in the cab.
  • KSH Key–AKA Shturman Key. Usually kept by Shturman (boss scav on Woods). Opens a loot box in the middle of the lumber mill (resting on top of some tires by a stack of logs). Inside containsweapons, ammo,rare loot.

CustomsMisc Keys:

  • Customs Key–This opens the top floor office in the big red building at spawn. There is asafe, three lootable PCs, coats, and a duffle bag.Also a quest location.
  • Cabinet Key– This opens the gas station office door. There is asafe, very rarelya pistolunder the desk, rubles on the ground, and loose loot on the shelves in the back. This identical to theKey (black handle).
  • Key (black handle)–This opens the gas station office door. There is asafe, very rarelya pistolunder the desk, rubles on the ground, and loose loot on the shelves in the back.This identical to theCabinet Key.
  • Key (black handle: portable cabin key)–This opens the office trailer in construction near the crashed truck on the second level. Contains aweapons crate.Also a quest location. This key spawns in the locked room on Factory under the coats.
  • Unknown Key–This opens the trailer in front of ICE.A quest location. This key spawns on a dead scav, in the bushesbehind the Welcome truck.
  • Cabin Key–This opens the mobile trailer inside of bus depot. There’s loose loot and rarely some 7.62. A disappointing key.
  • Factory Key–This should never leave your gamma and opens shortcut. There’s agreencrateand a filing cabinet within the checkpoint. Very rarely a grenade spawns on the table.This keyspawns in the office of 3-Storey in Customs,the glass warehouse in Customs (in the blue locker), or very rarely behind the old gas station (under the tree near the medbag). All spawns markedherein bright blue.
  • Checkpoint Key–Opens the building at the UN Checkpoint at the far end of Customs. There are twoammo crates,agrenadecrate,and aweaponrackthat spawns a weapon more often than others. This key can spawn in the glass warehouse near the dead scav.
  • Storage–Opensthe medical storage room in gas stationnext to the office and contains amedicalcrateand a medical bag. Thiskey spawns under the desk in the gas station office.
  • Machinery Key–This opens the fuel truck’s cabin inside Customs construction area. Used for aquest.This key spawns in room 205 in 3-Storey (partially blocked doorway) in the jacket.
  • Cabin Key (trailer park)–Thisopens thecabinnear offline spawn. There is a coat. It is a quest location. It is given to you at quest start but has been known to spawn in various locations.
  • USEC stash on Customs Key– Has two uses. Opens old M4 room in “ChopShop”, as you enter main entrance there is a door on your immediate left, inside you will find some miscellaneousweapons crates. It will also open a small room in same building across from the lockers, also has someweapons crates. Key is found by in pockets of scavs.

Two Story Dorms:

  • Dorm Guard Desk–Opens the security room in the lobby of two-story. Twoammo crates,aweapon crate,aweapon rack, and a possible key spawn in a key locker. The key spawnsin the dead scav’s hand in the first floor 2-Storey bathroom.
  • Room 104–There are two jackets on the wall and a toolbox on the ground. This key spawns in the Dorm Guard Desk room in the key locker.
  • Room 105–There is asafeand loose loot on the ground.
  • Room 206–No or unknown loot at this time. A quest location.
  • Room 110–There is asafeon the floor, a potentialrare spawnon the bed,and some loose loot on the ground.
  • Room 114–There is asafe, a PC that you can loot, and amedical crateon the bed.This key spawns in the trunk of the car near the UN Checkpoint. Also a quest location.

Three Story Dorms:

  • Room 103–Opens room 103. Itcontains shelves withfood / water.
  • Room 108The Pussy Room: There is a spray painted cat on the wall near the door.Inside is a filing cabinet and a lootable PC.
  • Room 118–Coats (lootable), loose loot on furniture. Spawns on the desk in the “Chemical Building”.
  • Room 203–Contains a duffle. Also a quest location.This key can be found in Room 214 in the red mug.
  • Room 204–Contains anweapon lockerwith some loose loot on ground, generally high grade ammo.
  • Room 214The Ammo Room:generally some high-grade ammo, there’s asafeon the floor near the wall. Also a quest location.Key 203 can be found in the red mug.
  • Room 218The Weapon Room:There is a potentialweapon spawnonthe floor near the upturned bed. If not there, there will be some junk attachments.
  • Room 220–Coats, duffle, loose loot on shelves / desk. Key ZB-014 is very often found on the desk with a picture of its bunker. Key 220 can be found in the hobo train under the coat.Also a quest location.
  • Room 303The Murder Room:Thereis agreen crate, and a fairly commonweapon spawnon the desk. Also a quest location.
  • Room 306–Often empty, possible loose loot on desk / shelves. A useless key and it still makes me angry.
  • Room 308The Money Room:Money, money, money. Rubles, euros, and/or dollars scattered on furniture. Not as lucrativeas it once was.
  • Marked Room (314)The Ritual Room:Scattered money on the floor, loose loot, possibleweaponandrare item(docs cases, wallets, etc) spawn. (25 uses)
  • Room 315–Possiblepistol spawnon couch, loose loot on furniture.


Misc Keys:

Health Resort West:

Health Resort East:


Quest Keys

  • Unknown Key–Skier’s quest: The Extortionist. It opens the white cabin in front of wallet spawn. This key spawns on a dead scav, in the bushesbehind the Welcome truck.
  • Cabin Key (trailer park)– Skier’s quest: Golden Swag. The key opens the cabin near offline spawn. It can be found on scavs or near the weapon spawn factory in Customs if lost.
  • Room 303–Skier’s quest: Golden Swag.The key can be found on scavs. The golden lighter will be on the table.
  • Room 220–Skier’s quest: Chemical P2. The file can be found in the blue folders and there’s something under the laptop.
  • Machinery Key–Prapor’s Quest: Checking.This opens the fuel truck’s cabin inside Customs construction area. The watch is on the truckcabin’s floor.This key spawns in room 205 in 3-Storey (partially blocked doorway) in the jacket.
  • Customs Key–Prapor’s Quest: Delivery From the Past. The secure case will be close under the desk in the far room.
  • Key (black handle: portable cabin key)–Prapor’squest: Bad Rep Evidence.This opens the office trailer in the Customs construction area near the crashed truck on the second level. The folder is on the table.This key spawns in the locked room on Factory under the coats.
  • ZB-014–Prapor’squest: Ice Cream Cones. Opens the locked room inside the bunker nearest to the exit. There is an RNG chance of finding the mags there(just buy them).This key usually spawns in Room 220 in Customs.
  • Room 214–Prapor’s quest: Shaking Up Teller.Key 203 can be found in the red mug or on scavs / filing cabinets.
  • Room 203–Prapor’squest: Shaking Up Teller.The secure container is under the bed. This key can be found in Room 214 in the red mug.
  • Room 206–Therapist’s quest: Operation Aquarius. Just walk inside. The key is a random drop.
  • Room 114– Therapist’s quest:Pharmacist. The briefcase spawns on top of the safe and there are documents under the bed.
  • Sanatorium Key– Peacekeeper’s quest: Spa Tour Pt. 5 This key can be found on keybars/docs.

Unknown / Useless Keys

Escape From Tarkov Map Keys Guide (2025)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.