Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (2024)


Hibiscus Moon2024-02-28T11:59:26-05:0052 Comments

One stone that’s always on the top of my list is Black Tourmaline. By the way — if you want to check out my Top 10 Must-Have Crystal List, head over here.

So, today I’m giving you the low-down on all things Black Tourmaline.

Let’s go!

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (1)

Black Tourmaline Properties

The large pieces pictured above, are really good quality pieces of Black Tourmaline, for instance: Chunky, hefty, smooth.

Of course, you don’t have to have this kind of quality (which is very difficult to find anymore). The lower quality type embodies the SAME energy.

Just so you know, many Black Tourmaline mines have been closed. Specifically, a large mine in China, where my high-quality specimens came out. So, the A-grade is no longer readily available. And if you do find it, it’s going to have a price tag to reflect its rarity!

The common type that you’re seeing out there these days is more spindly; more splintery and friable (in the same way as some Kyanite is, if you’re familiar with that raw stone), meaning they’re more brittle, but…

they work just as effectively!

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (2)

Oftentimes, this stone will be accompanied by quartz and mica just like the above specimen.

Black Tourmaline is a workhorse for your energy field.

It’s a primo crystal tool for:

  • Neutralizing negative energy
  • Grounding
  • Energetic protection
  • Lowering risks from EMF exposure
  • Empaths

Transmuting Energy

I love this stone for transmuting energy, so if energy has a specific charge to it and it has a negative feel to it, Black Tourmaline is my go-to transmuter.

It’s excellent for bringing that energy back to neutral. For that reason, it’s always in front of me between me and my laptop. I’m transmuting that electromagnetic radiation coming off of the laptop. I’ve tested other crystals and things, and when I tested Black Tourmaline, I get good results.

It’s not the best thing. It’s not going to completely mitigate that energy, but it’s one thing I can do to help mitigate it.

Neutralizing a Space

I also like it for transmuting negative energy that people might bring into a space. For example, when I used to work in a classroom (which I left in 2012…) I used to be a science teacher for those of you that don’t know: some people would come into the room and they were just sheer joy, and some people would come into the room and they’d suck the energy out of the space. Talk about energy vampires. There weren’t too many of those thankfully, but Black Tourmaline was wonderful for helping to mitigate that.

I had them conspicuously placed throughout my classroom. Heck, I could get away with putting any rock in my room that I wanted to. I taught geology as part of my curriculum, so I could put anything I wanted and no one would question a thing.

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (3)

You can also make Black Tourmaline mojo kits and you can make room sprays with Black Tourmaline and all kinds of great stuff.

For the same purpose of transmuting energy in your space, Himalayan Salt is a great option and an entirely different approach to cleansing your space. Here’s another blog for you: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Himalayan Salt Lamps.

EMF Shield

I don’t like using silicates on my desk for the purpose of shielding from computer EMF, etc.

So, I hear people say,

“Oh, put a piece of Fluorite, put a piece of Selenite, put a piece of Citrine in front of your laptop.”

Those crystals are silicates… and silicates amplify that energy. We use silicon chips in our electronics to make them work better, so I don’t want to amplify that energy. Anyway, let me get off my soapbox Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (4) I go into that a lot more in my Certified Crystal Practitoner Course.

What I DO like to use for this purpose is a chunk of BT! (Black Tourmaline)

I also have a blog post here going into detail on crystals I like to use to help lower EMF exposure.


The surface of our planet is covered in free electrons, which are highly attracted to us (water + minerals)… if we allow them to be.

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (5)

Problem is, we’re usually well insulated from these free electrons with our rubber soled shoes and carpeted or tiled floors so there’s very little if any direct contact happening and we’re depriving ourselves from Mother Earth’s balancing restorative energies. In other words, we’re disconnected.

This stone (BT) is ideal for helping us to connect and ground to Mother Earth.

Tourmaline Lore

Ancient peoples were (are) very aware of all of this and knew to monitor the cycles and to stay closely connected to the planet. Being closely in-tune allows us to regulate many bodily functions and feel plugged in. GROUNDED… dissipating any excess energy to the ground.

Our body’s various frequencies can move our body out of our dominant oscillary rate very easily when we experience stress, which we are constantly doing, especially since we are not regularly connecting with Mother Earth to re-balance.

Vibrational healing (like crystal healing) oscillates and naturally entrains our body back to its base resonant frequency.

I highly recommend staying grounded as much as possible and, yes, we can use crystals to help us to do that:

  • Black Tourmaline is my go-to stone for this. In fact, it’s part of what I call my Sacred Grounding Trio: Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, and Hematite.
  • Do lots of Earthing (check out that book on Amazon!) Earthing is amazing! Get barefoot and go outside which is the ultimate in grounding. Your feet are meant to connect with Mother Earth! That’s why animals are so well-grounded and in-tune. They’re always barefoot! But, I know— getting barefoot isn’t practical for all people and situations so here’s another blog I wrote: Grounding Tips for Balance in a High Flying World.
  • Plus I’ve got more grounding info and tips for you, including a recipe for a Grounding Gem Elixir Oil in my blog; How to Ground using Crystals

Black Tourmaline Geology

While there are many different varieties of Tourmaline (I talk about Watermelon Tourmaline over here), you’ve probably noticed we are focusing on Black Tourmaline for this blog. 😉

Some of the main geological properties include:

  • Mohs Hardness of seven to seven-and-a-half
  • Also known as Schorl, a complex aluminum borosilicate
  • While the mine I mentioned the mine in China has closed, BT is also found in Mexico, Africa, the United States, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Russia


Black Tourmaline has two critical physics properties:

  1. It’s pyroelectric
  2. It’s piezoelectric (just like Clear Quartz, Citrine, and Rose Quartz)

Meaning that, essentially, it can polarize and transduce electricity and energy. It’s one of the reasons why I find it to be such a powerful and effective stone to work with.

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (6)


Black Tourmaline is associated with the Root Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra.

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with all things foundational including your sense of safety and security. It’s all about the fundamental things we need for survival. The Earth Star Charka, while not technically not one of the seven main chakras, it’s known as a “transpersonal chakra” —

located about six inches below your feet.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this spotlight on Black Tourmaline! What do you think about this workhorse mineral? Share with me in the comments below.

Crystal Blessings,

Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (7)

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  1. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (8)

    AlivnaApril 17, 2019 at 1:18 pm - Reply

    Your videos are amazing and so helpful to us thank you for your hard work dedication and passion

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (9)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 18, 2019 at 12:23 pm - Reply

      Awww, thank you so much, Alvina! Happy you’re a part of the Crystal Family. 🙂

      • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (10)

        Terry G. TorvundJune 4, 2019 at 5:49 pm - Reply

        I hope you are well. I miss you! ❤️

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (11)

      HeidiApril 22, 2019 at 2:20 pm - Reply

      I learned a lot about the Black Tourmaline.Thought it only took away negative energy.I learn a lot more from you.Thanks for sharing your great Knowledge with all of us.

      • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (12)

        Hibiscus MoonApril 24, 2019 at 9:46 am - Reply

        It’s my total pleasure, Heidi! TY for being a part of the Crystal Fam. 🙂

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (14)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 18, 2019 at 12:23 pm - Reply

      Glad you enjoyed it, Dolores. ♥

  2. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (15)

    MaryApril 18, 2019 at 7:48 am - Reply

    What a great article. I find Black Tourmaline one of the best stones to work with. I’ve been using it a lot for the last for months.

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (16)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 18, 2019 at 12:24 pm - Reply

      Thanks, Mary. BT’s a keeper, right? 😉

  3. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (17)

    cathyApril 22, 2019 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    Hi, HM, Cathy comments. I miss you all! Trying to ‘splain crystals to my 7 yr old Grand daughter about crystals. Any ideas if she is too young? Did not have much time either–her sister is 2, so not enough time to concentrate. And of course, Easter week took precedence. Can I forward this info to her Mom about black tourmaline?

    Love your site!! Cathy Hall

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (18)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 24, 2019 at 9:48 am - Reply

      No, Cathy. She’s not too young at all! In fact, she’s a more ideal age than us adults… she’s more receptive to their energies. Absolutely, please do forward the info over to her Mom and you both may want to take a look at this older blog post I have about crystals + kids:

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (19)

      Lisa Marie DillonSeptember 4, 2020 at 5:40 pm - Reply

      I loved it! Thank you Cathy. Living on a boat, I rarely feel grounded. I would like to acquire a spot of bt. Use it in my meditation routine.

  4. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (20)

    CarolApril 23, 2019 at 10:39 am - Reply

    I agree Black Tourmaline is a crystal workhorse. I enjoyed the information about grounding. Thank you for the easy to understand information

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (21)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 24, 2019 at 9:48 am - Reply

      You are so very welcome, Carol. Happy you found the info useful!

  5. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (22)

    CherylApril 24, 2019 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    Great blog, HM 🙂 I NEVER leave my house without my awesome BT pendant that I wear down at my Solar Plexus. I also have four nice sized chunks of BT in each corner of our trailer to keep us safe when on the road (my hubby complains about the extra weight, LOL.) I, too, have it in-between my laptop and myself (along with meteors from the Meteor Crater in Winslow, Arizona and some Dravite.) BT is actually all around me all the time! I really enjoy your blogs, and LOVED your CCH program (that I graduated from in February.) Thank you!

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (23)

      Hibiscus MoonApril 24, 2019 at 2:10 pm - Reply

      So glad you enjoyed this blog and the course, Cheryl! ♥

  6. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (24)

    LINDAApril 24, 2019 at 2:39 pm - Reply

    been in business over 40 years……….enjoy your information…………..thank you

  7. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (25)

    Nancy ReykaApril 24, 2019 at 2:46 pm - Reply

    I really learn a lot from you, and hope you overcome this issue you are dealing with now.
    This is an amazing lot of information that I needed. You are an amazing teacher, and you have the ability to get through to me. I treasure your time and effort for sharing your information with all.

  8. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (26)

    Kate JohnstonApril 24, 2019 at 2:46 pm - Reply

    Great post! What is the best way to charge black tourmaline? I have several pieces that are splintery (not smooth) and I notice the more I handle them, the more they flake.

    Thank you!

  9. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (27)

    MariaApril 24, 2019 at 2:56 pm - Reply

    thank you for sharing the information, it is well presented
    I use black tourmaline for many years for cleansing and protection, it works great – indeed doesn’t matter much if it’s flaky, full block, polished or tumbled… I have it near to my desktop and another one in my pocket every time I go out
    regarding your health, every spiritual worker, crystals or not, really invested in this, has a difficult time regarding health for the last months, especially – there are reactions which are targeting our vulnerabilities… in the physical or emotional body
    take care of yourself <3

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (28)

      DawnApril 25, 2019 at 6:10 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much, there was a few things I didn’t know about black tourmaline. BT is one of my fav.’s I have all around the house. Take care of yourself Ladybug xxxx.

  10. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (29)

    Philippe CabayApril 24, 2019 at 3:21 pm - Reply

    Always love to read you HB,great blog on black tourmaline,I’ve been working with it for a while now.Always carry one with me and have another one on my desk where I use my PC.Works pretty well for grounding purpose that I really needed.
    Take good care of yourself. Leaving you with a lot of love and White Light.

  11. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (30)

    AllisonApril 24, 2019 at 3:29 pm - Reply

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I love black tourmaline and this has helped me to understand why.

    Can’t wait to learn more!

  12. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (31)

    MarieApril 24, 2019 at 5:44 pm - Reply

    Good post on BT …I work in a naturopathic clinic and use 4 BT to ground the space (in each corner) because of all the different and various energies people bring in with them. ????????

  13. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (32)

    tracey airsApril 24, 2019 at 8:08 pm - Reply

    Hi Stephanie , I find black tourmaline is great for grounding , but i also have a large piece near my bed to help be painfree/ less pain, so i can sleep , I have fibromyalgia and i strongly believe mine is not as severe because of my crystals , meditation and what i eat . I do not take medication , though absolutely no judgement to anyone that does its an individuals choice , though black tourmaline is fantastic for pain relief as is rose quartz and kyanite. Just my experience anyway . Take care many blessings x

    • Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (33)

      Kathy BApril 25, 2019 at 8:46 pm - Reply

      Tracey, thank you for recommending black tourmaline for sleep. I will give that a try tonight. I also want to follow up on your idea for using it and the other stones for pain relief. I have signed up for the eighth annual Food Revolution Summit scheduled for April 27 through May 5. Maybe this would be of interest to you. Like the presenters of the summit, I view food as the ultimate medicine. The program is online and free. Just do a search and you can join in. Blessings and good health to you.

  14. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (34)

    KarenApril 24, 2019 at 9:08 pm - Reply

    Thanks???????? for all the information about this stone. I LOVE black turmaline❤❤❤Many blessings, Karen????

  15. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (35)

    AnnetteApril 25, 2019 at 9:48 am - Reply

    You provide so much information and I thank you for all the time and love you put into this info. I wish you love, light and better health.

  16. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (36)

    Brooke NovelloApril 25, 2019 at 2:47 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for this interesting and insightful blog. I have made myself a BT and Selenite necklace which I find very grounding and protecting as well as refreshing. You have made me realize just why BT is such a go to stone for me.

    Sending you much love and healing energy. <3

  17. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (37)

    KarenApril 25, 2019 at 8:38 pm - Reply

    Hey Hibiscus, I just read your email about dealing with chronic illness etc. I hope you are doing well and just wanted to thank you for everything crystal and healing related that you give.
    May the crystals bless you and heal you, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

  18. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (38)

    KimApril 27, 2019 at 12:29 am - Reply

    i’ve stumble across your YouTube channel and was interested in learning more about how crystals works. I live in a small east Texas town and while with friends we jumped over to another small antique town and while shopping for antiques I met a couple whos grandson is autistic who overheard me asking if they knew of any shops that would have crystals, etc. They said no, but their 10 year old grandson told there was a shop and then he ran into the back of the store and brought out his collection of crystals. He thought they were just rocks. I pulled up your website and showed him a couple of crystals and he was very interested. I told his grandparents to read your blog and watch your YouTube channel. So, I went down and got a nice chuck of BT and a beautiful smokey quartz. I am still learning how these work, but was excited on my finds. I wish I could share a photo to show you. Each was about $30.00 which I thought that was a good price. 🙂

  19. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (39)

    MichaelApril 27, 2019 at 12:25 pm - Reply

    Hibiscus Moon! Thanks for the positive work that your doing. Although only just been recently following the newsletters and YouTube channel my curiosity into crystals and holistic health has increased. I’v been encouraged by the transparency and openness you’ve shown in sharing some of your health experiences and the courage to pursue your passion. The light fun loving energy I feel from your posts and blogs is great. Keep up the good work! Happy Earthing!

    Blessings ; )

  20. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (40)

    deborahApril 29, 2019 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    thank you hibiscus moon for all your time .i have learned alot of information i am really interested in . i find i have to go over it again and again to make it stick in my brain.

  21. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (41)

    Crystal ShopMay 22, 2019 at 6:16 pm - Reply

    What I realized in meditating with crystals is that it works on how and what crystals you want to work with. On the off chance that you are taking a shot at something particular in your life, get clear on what that is and maybe record it. When picking meditation crystals I think of what lines up with your objective. Given above descriptions of different crystals and what they are capable off then you are good to go. Or on the other hand, you can rely upon your intuition.

  22. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (42)

    Jess SpeakeMay 23, 2019 at 7:56 pm - Reply

    Your information is always so helpful! I love reading your posts. 🙂 One thing I am curious about that you mentioned is that you don’t like using silicates as EMF shields because they magnify energy. How do you know if a crystal is a silicate or not?

    Again, thanks for all of the helpful information!

    Jess |

  23. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (43)

    LorriJune 5, 2019 at 5:23 pm - Reply

    So glad you are feeling better Hibiscus ….. sending you tons of continuing Positive Healing Energies and Light.
    Thank you for all that you do to pass forward information and tools for learning. ox…

  24. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (44)

    Innocence SmithJune 6, 2019 at 7:03 am - Reply

    Thanks for the bare bones update on Black Tourmaline HM ???? This was just the refresher that I needed. Straight forward and concise information. I was recently blessed with a sizable & dynamic specimen that I just couldn’t get enough of when I needed it the most and now I know why. BT is definitely on my never leave home without it list because nothing else grounds me like it does ????

  25. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (45)

    Caroline TJune 19, 2019 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    Currently waiting for my two larger pieces of black tourmaline at the moment! Can’t wait to work with them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us 🙂

  26. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (46)

    Dana BartolottaJuly 3, 2019 at 9:36 am - Reply

    This was such a helpful blog. I definitely will be utilizing all of the properties that Black Tourmaline has to offer. Thank you for your knowledge. I’m hopeful to win one of your kits.
    Much love!!

  27. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (47)

    AtPerrysJuly 22, 2019 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    From what I know, Egyptians believed that Tourmaline came to Earth from the core of the earth, after passing over the entire sky on a rainbow-lit day and turned into the celestial gemstone that it is now. To the aborigines and shamans of the west, tourmaline protected the wearer from all evil while Indians believed that Tourmaline brought direction and destiny closer to present tense.

  28. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (48)

    Kim DowJuly 25, 2019 at 5:13 am - Reply

    Hi i love listing to you and reading all the information you write . I am learning to understand and use crystals this is very new to me. Thankyou for helping me along my path.

  29. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (49)

    Sandra ParksJuly 29, 2020 at 6:27 pm - Reply

    I am excited to learn more about Touraline!

  30. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (50)

    Alex KimAugust 6, 2020 at 1:59 am - Reply

    What a great article. I really liked the way you have presented this article. I love using black tourmaline. Thank You for sharing this article.

  31. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (51)

    EdenSeptember 4, 2020 at 6:41 pm - Reply

    Thank you for the insightful blog post! I am always on the look out for more info on my favorite crystals and of course, black tourmaline is one of them.

  32. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (52)

    CandiceOctober 2, 2020 at 3:56 pm - Reply

    Tourmaline is definitely one of my favorites, it really helps to ground my energy so I make sure to wear this stone daily and throughout the night for protection. All around great stone to work with.

  33. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (53)

    Annette LannieeFebruary 2, 2021 at 1:34 pm - Reply

    Your blog is always chocked full of goodness! I’d been told that studies were done by a Swiss lab and that showed black tourmaline is best not worn above the waist. Is there any truth to that? I’ve not been able to locate that study. =/

  34. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (54)

    namastebookstoreMay 8, 2021 at 12:41 pm - Reply

    Great, i like the info you share about crystals

  35. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (55)

    Marpa47October 5, 2021 at 7:44 am - Reply

    I think EMF protection may become a lot more in need of emphasis now that electric vehicles are becoming more and more common. The electric motors in these vehicles generate tremendous EMF and no manufacturer will be likely to include shielding, (possibly lead?) not only because of the cost but the added weight making for less mileage. What do you think?

  36. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (56)

    Marpa47October 5, 2021 at 7:50 am - Reply

    Thank you for this in-depth survey of just one gem. There appears to be an entire universe of knowledge, phenomena and beauty connected with this universe.

  37. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (57)

    Dr. Jay CavanaughOctober 30, 2022 at 6:50 am - Reply

    My #1 go-to crystal has always been Black Tourmaline. Thoughts on Pink Tourmaline? Seems to be hot right now?

  38. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (58)

    NacrystalApril 27, 2023 at 3:12 am - Reply

    Such a good article about black tourmaline. Recommend!

  39. Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (59)

    TesmasscrystalApril 27, 2023 at 3:13 am - Reply

    All useful information about this black crystal. I would like to buy some from Tesmass

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Black Tourmaline Properties, Correspondences and Meanings (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.